One thing I’ve seen when working with my business-owner clients is that when you focus on something enough — however small — it becomes “big” and crowds out room for the truly significant issues. It adds purpose to what we do and is the magic ingredient that separates the good from the great. Remain focused on your revenue growth and customer retention! These two aspects are vital to your organization’s success and long-term health.

You can add any trendy business philosophy you want on top of that, and it still gets down the same thing.

Revenue Growth and Customer Retention

EVERYONE on your team should either be adding revenue or helping to control expenses.  Continually ask your staff — and yourself — what you can do to help:

1. Get more customers
2. Keep customers longer
3. Increase the amount of each transaction
4. Control expenses
5. Get more referrals
6. Ask for positive online reviews
7. Make operations more efficient

At your next staff meeting

  1. Review these seven issues
  2. Write down what would help them do their job better (or obstacles that are in their way)
  3. Ask everyone to write down ideas for each of the seven issues between now and the next staff meeting
  4. Review everyone’s first draft privately or as a group in your next staff meeting

Your business must be involved in growing revenue and customer retention. Employees must see their role in that part of the business.  And YOU — the business owner — must keep that discussion alive and dynamic.

Good luck!

Again, I don’t pretend to be a “guru” … I see what works and pass it on.