Make Your Tax Appointment Simple & Easy
Maximize your annual return by preparing for your tax appointment.
If it’s just after tax season, this list will help you know what documents to keep an eye out for throughout the year and set aside. If your tax appointment is right around the corner, this list is a great resource to help you track down the right documents.
With all of the changes every year (and, of course, that’s especially true THIS year), filing your taxes on your own is not for the faint of heart. That’s even with nice-looking software on the market which purports to make it easy for you.
But that’s what we’re here for.
Let us be your easy button.
We’ve provided you with a simple list of what you will need to prepare for your tax appointment.
Before you get overwhelmed, don’t worry! We have you covered. The checklist is a guide to help you gather what is needed to maximize deductions so you and your business can keep every dollar possible.
Every year tax codes change, and so do the rules about what you can and can’t deduct. Save this page and revisit it each year as you prepare for your next tax appointment.
Have questions? Contact us! We are here to help!
Tax Appointment Checklist
Personal Data
- Social Security Numbers & DOB (including spouse and children)
- Child care provider tax I.D. / SSN and address
Employment & Income Data
- W-2 forms for this year
- Tax refunds and unemployment compensation: Form 1099-G
- Miscellaneous income including rent: Form 1099-MISC
- Partnership, trust, and S-Corporation income: Form K-1
- Pensions, annuities, retirement or profit sharing plans, IRAs, etc.: Form 1099-R
- Alimony received (including payer’s SSN) if divorce finalized prior to 1/1/2019
- Jury duty pay
- Gambling and lottery winnings: Form W-2G
- Prizes and awards
- Scholarships and fellowships
- Social Security income: Form SSA-1099
- Transfer of stock options exercised: Form 3922
Health Insurance Information
- All 1095-A Forms from marketplace providers (if you purchased insurance through a Marketplace)
- Records of credits and/or advance payments received from the Premium Tax Credit (if claiming)
Homeowner/Renter Data
- Residential address(es) for this year
- Mortgage interest: Form 1098
- Sale of your home or other real estate: Form 1099-S Second mortgage interest paid
- Real estate taxes paid
- Rent paid during tax year
- Settlement statement for any real estate purchased or sold during the year
Financial Assets
- Interest income statements: Form 1099-INT & 1099-OID
- Dividend income statements: Form 1099-DIV
- Proceeds from broker transactions: Form 1099-B
- Retirement plan distribution: Form 1099-R
- Capital gains or losses
- Personal property tax information
- Department of Motor Vehicles fees (only if including sales or property tax)
- Sales tax on purchase
- Auto loans and leases (account numbers and car value) if vehicle used for business
- Gifts to charity (receipts for any single donations of $250 or more, and non-cash donations of $500 or more)
- Unreimbursed expenses and mileage related to volunteer work
- Education expenses (tuition and fees)
- Child care expenses
- Medical Savings Accounts and Health
- Savings accounts: Form 1099-SA
- Adoption expenses
- Alimony paid (including payee’s SSN) if divorce finalized prior to 1/1/2019
- Student loan interest paid: Form 1098-E
- Early withdrawal penalties on CDs and other fixed time deposits
Self-Employment Data
- Estimated tax vouchers for the current year
- Self-employment income
- Self-employment SEP plans, Simple IRA
- Self-employed health insurance (do not include COBRA)
- K-1s on all partnerships
- Receipts or documentation for business-related expenses
- Farm income and expenses
- Rent income and expenses
Deduction Documents
- State and local income taxes
- IRA, Keogh and other retirement plan contributions
- Medical expenses
- Casualty or theft losses
- Other miscellaneous deductions
- Educator expenses