When You Should Ask Your CPA

When You Should Ask Your CPA

One of our core services here at Tax Time CPAs is our Unlimited QuickChat feature with ALL of our Advisory Service Plans. We strongly feel that if you have questions, you should be able to reach out and ask us – today. We know this is uncommon, especially when...
Avoid the 3 Most Common Tax Penalties & Fines

Avoid the 3 Most Common Tax Penalties & Fines

Nothing stops your heart like seeing an IRS letter appear in your mailbox. Except seeing the bold, large print showing a balance due for penalties and interest at the top of the notice. Ouch. The fear associated with receiving one of these nastygrams runs deep. One of...
The Complete Visual Guide to The Business Life Cycle

The Complete Visual Guide to The Business Life Cycle

Whenever we take on new clients, one of the first things we want to discover is where they are in the business life cycle — knowing where they are in their business journey allows us to help them achieve their goals.  So what is the business life cycle? Well, just...
Easy Tax Guide to Expenses & Deductions

Easy Tax Guide to Expenses & Deductions

Can I deduct that? This is a question we hear from new and seasoned business owners alike. Being unaware of how to separate business vs. personal expenses or trying to get creative with the deductions is one of the fastest ways to get into trouble. A mid-2000 tax case...
Is it Time to Hire a Bookkeeper?

Is it Time to Hire a Bookkeeper?

Whether you’re just getting started or are a seasoned business owner, deciding when to hire a bookkeeper is challenging. Many entrepreneurs must wear all hats when they plunge into business ownership; bookkeeping is just one. There comes a time you need to hire...